IRS E-Filing for W-2, 1099, and ACA Forms

Federal, State, and Combined Federal / State Filing Program

We Make It Easy to File Online

However you need to E-File, we can take the task off your hands. We offer a complete 1099 electronic filing service that includes:

  • Federal
  • Direct to State
  • Combined Federal/State Filing (CF/SF) Program
  • SSA E-filing of Form W2

Our experts are there to help you

  • understand which E-filing requirements apply to you,
  • meet those requirements and
  • E-file before the deadline

The best 1099 E-File service is the one you can rely on. Our 1099 E-File software is easy to use, but there is always a human to speak to if you need assistance.

TS1099 is an Authorized IRS E-File Provider

Authorized IRS E-File Providers can fulfill various types of services in different roles. We have passed all checks and been approved to develop E-file software and transmit E-file data to the IRS.

As an E-File software developer, we make sure that our software

  • formats returns based on IRS specifications
  • creates accurate electronic returns
  • can promptly correct any errors that cause a return to be rejected

As an IRS E-File transmitter, we

  • transmit information returns to the IRS on time
  • ensure that all transmitted data is secure
  • retrieve acknowledgement files and match them to original returns
  • quickly correct transmission errors if they happen

The IRS checks and approves E-File providers to give their customers assurance. It also helps keep the E-File process is safe, fast, and easy. We are proud to have been an IRS approved provider since 2005.

How Our 1099 E-File Service Works

  1. Upload your data. You can use our ts1099 data template or a data file exported from your accounting system. Simply upload your data file through our web-based platform with just a few clicks.

  2. We create and transmit your forms. Our data analysts check your data and send you a summary report. If everything looks good, we generate your E-File and transmit it.

  3. Unlimited and free updates. Search for and access your tax forms online to make corrections in real time. Updates made on the platform are auto-transmitted to the IRS.

Related Questions

Can I E-File prior year 1099 forms? Yes, you can file both current year and prior tax year 1099 forms with ts1099.

Do I need a 1099 TCC code? No, you do not need a TCC (Transmitter Control Code) to E-file with ts1099. As a transmitter and software provider, we obtain the TCC numbers in order to E-File for you. 

What are the E-Filing requirements in 2024? Who must file electronically?  

If you have to file 10 or more information returns in one calendar year, you must file electronically. The 10-return threshold combines as a total all of the information return form types. To learn more about this new threshold, read the IRS news release IRS and Treasury issue final regulations on e-file for businesses or the IRS Help topic Number 801, Who must file information returns electronically.